Yoga holds the power to not only support our physical wellbeing. This practice has the potential to support us and transform us.

Whether you already have a practice, are looking to deepen your practice, or are brand new to the exploration of Yoga, The Foundational Series (TFS) has something for you.

This four-week online class series will focus on the foundation of a Yoga practice.

Each week will build upon the last.

We will explore our Breath, our bodies, our minds and our Hearts.

Each week we will begin with a short dharma talk that will focus our lens on a pillar of the practice, and then dive into practice.

After class, there will be time for Questions and Response. Allowing you to further deepen your understanding of your practice.

By the end of our four weeks together you will have the tools you need to build a strong practice that supports and anchors you into something nourishing as you navigate your life.

We will meet live: Sunday August 6th 10 - 11:15am est.

Recording send out after each class (valid for three months after final class date).


Week 1: Breath (8/6)

Week 2: Foundation / Form (8/13)

Week 3: Refinements (8/20)

Week 4: Svāsana (8/27)

What you’ll receive:

  • Four in-depth classes that will breakdown and teach you the pillars of an āsana (pose Yoga) practice and recordings of these classes.

  • 30% off virtual private sessions with me throughout the course ($105, usually $150)(a perfect way to address anything regarding your practice and design a tailored daily practice for yourself).

  • Time spent in community with people who want to practice Yoga and feel good in their bodies and their lives.

  • An online portal with notes and resources


“ Practicing weekly with Liz over several years has been a joy. She welcomes you into her class with openness, kindness, and love, without judgement of body or age or ability. My personal journey in Yoga has been all over body strengthening , flexibility and meditation. The healing has come from the inside out - it has been transformative in sense of wellbeing of self. This past year, Liz’s class provided a retreat for the soul from the chaos of the world. I am most grateful.” - DS

“Liz has been an absolute bright light in my life. I have been working with Liz one on one since August 2020 and am so glad to have our weekly meetings to help me get more centered and balanced! Additionally, she’s helped me rehab a wrist injury that I thought would prevent me from practicing Yoga ever again! Liz is real and a calming presence. She is a fountain of knowledge gems from everything from proper alignment, verbal cues that make sense, and physical wellbeing to meditation, focusing the mind and ways of thought. I cannot recommend working with Liz enough. If you are interested in journeying deeper in your practice and learning more about yourself, her guidance is invaluable.” - AM

“Liz brings her whole self to her practice, and encourages those practicing with her to do the same. While many are brought to Yoga for its physical benefit, Liz’s approach to the practice shows the full breadth of what Yoga can offer to those who embrace it. She creates a space that has room for focus, acceptance, imperfection, humor and most importantly, for Love.” - ER

If you are ready to begin, or come back to, a practice that will hold you and support you through all transitions in life, consider this both your sign and your invitation to join us.

The investment for this series is $88.

See you on the mat. xo, liz